Sunday, December 27, 2009

From the Painfull Heart

There's nothing bitter than having some argument in a relationship..yet when knowing the one you love is not 100% trust you, even when you tell em' the truth..maybe silent is the best way..crying will help to release the painful of a heart..

trying to tell the precious one u're sick is no helpfull at all..yet will just makes them worried and keep asking you...i won't tell you that i'm don't need to know that..i'll just tell you that i'm fine..even i'm not..
sometimes i'm thankful that we have to being far from each that you won't know that i'm sad and down for all the things that you said..i know it's all my mistakes..
it's just the stupid side of me..

me the jerk

Monday, November 9, 2009

Whoaaa...4 year Long Distance Relationship

Whooaa...never imagine and thought that we are already in this relationship for 4 years long plus we're doing in long distance..pweew..what a record that could be proud with!!
well i'm really thankful and glad that i found him..the one who could made my day!!
he knows how to makes me smile, laugh and makes me feel much better whenever i'm in my bad mood time. He makes me feels that i'm his precious one that need to be protect from any harmful things..he even makes me feel more that a queen whenever i wanted to be spoil by him..
his laugh,his smile,his voice, his comfort hug and his kiss are the some of his best features.
Dear God, i hope this relationship will last and we both will live happily ever after..amiin!!

He's my first and i'm really hoping that he could be my last..

Love u Indra Patra Kusuma..:*

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Malaysia Klaim kebudayaan Indonesia???

Wajar klo kita merasa panas krna hasil kebudayaan kita ky Reog Ponorogo, Tari Pendet, Lagu Rasa Sayange, batik dsb diklaim sma negeri jiran kita, Malaysia. Tapi, apakah dgn marah2, ngina2 malaysia bs menyelesaiikan msalah ini?knapa c Pemerintah Indonesia ga mematenkan budaya kita dr dulu?knapa kita bru protes stelah Malaysia "Mengambil" kebudayaan kita ini??

Kadang2 gw sangsi sma brita2 yg beredar ini, knapa??krna kbyakan sumber dtgnya dr Indonesia, n gw ga pnah ngeliat,baca or dger brita d'Malaysia ini. Apakah slama ini berita yg kita dger ini hanya rekayasa dr media utk mendapatkan keuntungan??
Mnurut opini gw, trutama ttg Tari Pendet dr Bali..Kita bs liat sndri tnpa hrus protes or marah2 ga jls, klo kbudayaan Bali yg sgt khas itu amat sangat jauuuuuuuh bgt bedanya sama citra negara Malaysia. Memang d'Malaysia ada jg org hindu yg dr ras India, tp konsep agama hindu India sma Bali itu ga ada ksamaan, Bali ada keistimewaan sndri, bgtu jg dgn bangsa hindu India d'Malaysia. Wong hari rayanya aja beda!! Gw jg yakin ko warga dunia bs nilai n tau klo Pendet itu berasal dr Bali. klo search d'internet jg yg kluar pasti pendet dr Bali.
So guys, sbgai generasi penerus bangsa..ayo kita sama2 melestarikan dan menjaga budaya asli Indonesia..jgn sampe ada kasus yg sma ky gni dmasa depan..jgn ikt2an budaya barat dlu deh,mndingan jaga dlu budaya bangsa sndri..dan coba utk berpikir terbuka,jgn smpe kita judge n marah2 ga jelas tnpa mengetahui asal muasal berita itu.

Hidup Indonesia..!!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Tadi pagi adalah hari pagi gw masuk magang d'Symphony group of companies. Diawali dgan bgun pagi jam 1/2 8 kurang, spt biasa ritual pagi gw jalankan which is mnum air n skipping bberapa lompatan, bis ntu lgsg beranjak ke kamar mndi n siap2,stlah itu gw sarapan buah pisang n roti coklat..sblm brgkt smpt mnum vitamin yg mama krimin..
perjalanan ke kantor ga lama2 amat skitar 1/2 jam naik bus dr rmh dlanjutin naik monorail mpe chowkit.
As i arrived at the office, gw lgsg naik lift ke level 12 n nanya ke resepsionis apa ms.Villa (HR dept.)ada..tnyata orgnya blom dtg n alhasil gw nunggu dlu dsana mpe jam 10 krg krn tnyata dy ada meeting sma bossnya..
bgtu ms Villa dtg, gw d'anter ke level 9 yg ngelewatin bgian customer service..lewatin pntu lg, ampe pjokan ada ruangan yg lmyan kecil tp nyaman, dsana gw dknalin sma ms.Villa ada 2 cowo China yg namanya Mr.Marcus n Mr.Victor, sma 3 org cewe namanya Max (ank UM yg internship jg), 2 lgi gw lupa namanya..mreka nyambut gw dgn ramah n hangat..
nah Mr.Victor ini adalah org yg ajarin gw ttg system n project yg lg mreka lgsg dsodorin 2 manual book ttg ESS n Payroll Daimler cbg INDONESIA,.hehe kbtaln bgt kan??
krn gw blom dsediain kompi, smntara gw mnjem kompi yg nganggur dlu..ptmanya dtmptin seruangan sma mreka td, tp bgtu sorean gw dpndhin ke luar yg ada byk kompi nganggur..
Hri ini blom bgtu byk kerjaan yg gw kerjain krn tnyata head ITnya lg training smpe hri rabu bsok, so gw hrus nunggu dy dtg dlu..bsok jg Insya Allah sm mreka dkasi kartu pass bwt employee..biar gmpang kluar ke toilet aj msti mnjem sma kakak yg seruangan td..hehehe
so far first day dkantor td ckup memuaskan..smoga bsok2 baik2 juga n lancar2 aja..ammiin!!
wish me luck..


Thursday, May 7, 2009


Alhamdulillah..stelah pnantian yg cukup lama akhirnya dapet jg tmpt magang,,,bner2 pnantian slama ini worth it bgt jdnya. Tnyata Allah mank nyimpen hikmah bwt gw..seneng bgt hari ini!
gak nyangka bgt awalnya pas apply gw ga naro harapan tlalu besar..pas paginya apply lwt jobstreet, sorenya dtlp utk dtg interview kamis td..wlaupun pas interview jawabnya agak2 bego n ga 100% yakin, tp Alhamdulilah berhasil...SENANGNYAAAH!!!



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Maybe i just missed you

When a new day has come..
i could feel the warm of the sun through my window
bird sings and people get to works
i felt empty 'coz you're not here by my side..
maybe i just missed you..

When I'm on my way to work
i saw couple walk hand by sweet to see
i wish it was us..holding hand together, talk and laugh together
maybe i just missed you

Till night comes
stars shine beautifully together with the moon
wind breeze and i could felt it through my hair
hopes you could hear my whisper through the wind
which tell you how much i missed you

Saturday, May 2, 2009 patient please!

Once i heard a good and inspired quotes that stated "Good things come to those who waited"
i think it's really motivated me as I'm having this situation where i haven't find any answer yet. well I'm in a middle of my last semester right now, and suppose I took the industrial training, but i haven't got a space since my group project has postponed the presentation day. So, I'm a bit late than the time-plan. Unfortunately, i haven't got the solution yet. huff..kinda bored a bit to knowing that i don't have any routine activity, but i believe that God plan something good for me..
well maybe it's time for me to learn to be more patient..
last i'm still hoping for the best like always..really don't want to makes my family down..

Luck for u and me..for all of us